Rec Divers

About RecDivers

     Rec. Divers was formed in 1977 for the purpose of scuba diving and fellowship.  The club has been involved in many exciting dive trips, fund raising activities, community outreach events, charity work, and dive safety events.  But most of all, we’re about fun! 

     We’ve held scuba swap meets, corresponded with legislative leaders over important dive-related legal issues, attended the Department of Environmental Conservation sports-person days to help spread the word about diving, the regulations around dive flags, and dive safety.  Through fund-raising and membership dues, our treasury has funded club trips to many places including the Christian Islands, Tobermory, Kingston, Brockville, 1000 Islands, Lake George, Lake Champlain, the Finger Lakes, Florida, the Caymans Islands, and Roatan.  On extended trips (typically weekend or longer), the club frequently underwrites a portion of the trip.  On shorter trips, we may choose to pay for air used on the dives. 

     We are an active club with over 20 dive-related functions each dive season.  In the off-season, we normally offer talks on dive technologies, equipment, trends, and travel.  Members often show their special finds from past and present. 

     The club also takes part in other activities that include a member’s non-diving friends and family.  We take wine-tasting tours, picnics, campouts, and other trips.

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Join our club

How to Join:

     Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month.  To join, come to one of our monthly meetings and ask one of the club officers for an application.  Or contact our Membership officer.  Please include your name and phone number and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

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     Our next few meetings over the winter months will be Zoom meetings. Check the calander.

     We meet on the second Wednesday of every month, year round, from 7:00 PM Eastern Time till 8:30 or 9:00. We plan for club dives, and talk shop.

     Our meetings have been held at restaurants, sporting stores, and taverns over the years.  Check the calendar and click on the meeting.

Prior Meeting Locations

     We would welcome seeing you at one of our meetings.

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     Our calendar contains the most current updated information.  You can click on the event displayed on the calendar to get additional details.  The calendar can be accessed with this link - Calendar

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Contact Us

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Last update: 3/11/2023

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